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White House Admins WASTED Billions In Vaxx Boosters

The Biden administration is one of the worst in history at wasting money. Team Biden redirected billions of dollars earlier this year to purchase 170 million doses of the brand-new bivalent COVID-19 vaccine. The issue is that not many people are receiving vaccinations.
Only 15% of the 227 million individuals who have finished the primary vaccine series and are eligible for the new booster, or about 11% of the population, have received it in the three months since it was permitted, according to the CDC.
But the administration is using its go-to remedy—adding more spending—instead of looking into why the response is so subpar. Dr. Ashish Jha, the COVID-19 response coordinator for the White House, recently announced a six-week campaign to get Americans to have their updated vaccinations.
The improved COVID-19 vaccination is already available in over 70,000 sites, according to the White House fact sheet for the new campaign, and the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) has taken steps this month to expand to even more locations.
Evidently, that is insufficient. In order to increase the uptake of bivalent boosters, the administration claims it will steal an additional $475 million from the Provider Relief Fund, which was established to protect the healthcare system by providing financial assistance to providers who experienced decreased income and increased expenses due to the pandemic. For the purpose of expanding immunization efforts and raising booster awareness, the program will invest $350 million in community health facilities. In order to boost community immunization programs and initiatives, an additional $125 million will be distributed to national organizations that assist the elderly and people with disabilities.
With a TV commercial titled “Can’t Wait,” the campaign will use paid media to target Americans 50 and older and those who have chronic illnesses.
Through private organizations and HHS’s ongoing “We Can Do This” COVID-19 public vaccine education campaign, the agency has been attempting for months to raise awareness of and uptake for booster shots.
The truth is that for the past three years, it would have been impossible for someone to have been unaware of the pandemic, the vaccines, and now the boosters. This is not a public relations issue. There is a demand issue.
People won’t get immunized against a disease if they believe it won’t affect them. Three months ago, the number of new COVID cases, ER visits for COVID, and COVID hospitalizations peaked.
Early in February, the COVID death rate reached its peak. After a sharp decline, it has been low and stable since May.