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Kamala Harris Is Big Mad At Elizabeth Warren For Not Immediately Endorsing Her VP Candidacy

Sen. Elizabeth Warren allegedly received cold treatment from Vice President Kamala Harris despite the Massachusetts Democrat’s repeated attempts to make amends for not endorsing her for the position of  Biden’s running mate in 2024.

The deadlock results from an interview Warren made to a Boston radio station in January, during which she enthusiastically endorsed Biden for re-election but lacked enthusiasm when asked if Harris should continue to serve as his number two.

The senator stated in the interview, “I really want to defer to what makes Biden comfortable on his team.”

According to the story, one individual close to the vice president described Warren’s remarks as “pretty insulting,” which captured the sentiment of many in Harris’ office.

In an effort to diffuse the tension, Warren contacted Harris to apologize for her statement and explain that it was an impolite attempt to avoid stomping on a potential Biden announcement.

Following the interview, Warren issued a statement to clarify her position, saying she “fully” supports the Biden/Harris ticket in 2024 and “never intended to imply otherwise.”

Lorraine Voles, Harris’ chief of staff, returned Warren’s call after he had contacted her.

The vice president, according to Harris’ supporters, has never had the respect or political backing she deserves, so this snub is only the latest in a string of offenses against her.

Democratic officials are paying close attention to the rift between the two as the 2024 presidential race draws near and Biden seems prepared to declare a run for another term.

The senior Democrats have cautioned that until voters begin to perceive the person in line to succeed President Obama favorably, they may completely disregard the Biden-Harris ticket.

They are seeking a truce for Biden’s sake or the sake of the party’s future.

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