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Video Of Shoplifters Brazenly Stealing Items At Walgreens As Crime Rises

Customers and employees stand helplessly by while the business is looted. A new customer walks in with a cart at one point and immediately observes the heinous theft to his left.
A woman is seen walking out of a Ross store with multiple pairs of shoes dangling from her hands in a video. As she casually walks out of the business and into the dark street, the alarm goes off.
It was the same Ross location where a man was recorded strolling out with an overflowing cart earlier this month, according to Instagram user @ppv tahoe, who posted the footage.
According to social media posts, both thefts occurred in California, but their exact locations have not been confirmed.
During the COVID-19 pandemic, videos of audacious thievery, frequently including groups of individuals, have grown more popular, with some blaming enormous layoffs and economic turmoil for the increase in crime. Others refer to prosecutors who have de-prioritized shoplifting, as well as legislation that make stealing under $1,000 a misdemeanor, such as one in California.
According to the National Retail Federation’s 2021 retail security survey, half of respondents noticed an increase in stealing in the previous year. A considerable increase in organized retail crime has been reported by 69 percent of merchants.
Walgreens and Ross did not immediately react to’s questions concerning the recordings.
Since the epidemic began, CVS, which operates retail pharmacies identical to Walgreens, has seen a 300 percent spike in retail theft.
The criminals act nonchalant as they are filmed and seen by other consumers in a Walgreens video shared by WorldStarHipHop. As they forcefully took items off the shelves, they used face masks to hide their identities from the cameras.