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Massive Brawl Breaks Out During An MLB Game

The big news from tonight’s Cubs game isn’t the 4-3 loss to a mediocre Pirates squad, but rather the five-man brawl in the left center bleachers. According to on-the-ground sources, it looked like a hurriedly prepared movie battle scene. Guys appear from nowhere. Bodies sliding down stairs and across rows. Beers were flying everywhere, and infants were wailing in the background.

During the Cubs-Pirates game on Thursday night, some fans decided to throw some fists.

Multiple fans were involved in a violent melee in a video posted by Barstool Sports, and the footage has to be seen to be believed.

It’s impossible to comprehend why somebody would desire to get hit in the face while doing anything.

Imagine paying a lot of money only to get into a brawl.

The game is intended to be enjoyable. They aren’t there to get thrown about in a fight. You’d think that would be basic sense, but it appears that it isn’t!

These thugs obviously felt it would be a good idea to hit each other.

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