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Border Agent Mayorkas Admits Southern Border Is Being Overwhelmed

The Biden regime has been funding an invasion of the southern border for more than a decade. This it has tried to conceal from the American people. In private, however, the top officials are fully aware of what they’re doing.
Townhall obtained leaked audio from Alejandro Mayorkas which showed President Joe Biden’s top Immigration Officer admitting to disgruntled Border Agents that the southern border is being overrun like never before.
WH makes border crisis admission
Mayorkas’ meeting went smoothly considering that he did everything possible to make it impossible for border agents to do their jobs.
Mayorkas’ supervision has allowed migrants to use arrest orders as identification. Illegal immigration is no more considered a criminal offense punishable by deportation and deportations are dramatically down while illegal border crossings skyrocketed.
Despite his own role in systematically dismantling immigration enforcement from the top-down, Mayorkas conceded, “Look, it’s worse now than it, frankly, has been in at least 20 years, if not ever.” Rarely does Mayorkas speak with such candor publicly.
He seemed to admit that illegal immigration reached a new record in 2013, with more then 2 million encounters. As nearly 180,000 migrants crossed illegally the border in December, this is more than the previous three December.
Townhall reports that border agents are unhappy with the current situation. Townhall reports that one agent turned his back to Mayorkas Wednesday and said that he had done the same thing “the day you were appointed.” Another agent spoke of the “demoralizing effect” of being demonized by high-ranking Biden officials for doing their jobs.
Secret invasion continues
It has been difficult to ignore the apparent deliberate attempt by the Biden administration undermines immigration laws.
The administration has delayed in bringing back the “Remain In Mexico” program of former President Donald Trump, despite a judge’s order. To make matters worse, thousands of migrants were secretly imported into the country by bus and by plane.
Recently leaked footage showed migrants being released from a New York suburban airport. A federal contractor revealed that the Biden administration wanted to remove migrants from the “spotlight.”
“A lot of this is just down-low stuff that we don’t tell people because what we don’t want to do is attract attention,” the man said, according to Fox News.
Mayorkas has often blamed a “broken” system he says needs to be reformed. But it appears the “reform” Mayorkas has in mind is to abolish immigration enforcement — and America’s sovereignty — as we know it. Why is Biden betraying the country like this?