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Biden Staffers Heading for the Exits as Low Morale Grips WH
When Trump Was In The White House It Was Filled with pro-American politicians focused on building the best path forward for their homeland But now since Biden has taken office his White House is far more defined by doom and gloom.
And this is not just from Biden’s statement earlier that this will be a deadly winter for the unvaccinated that’s turned Christmas cheer into a gloomy depression.
Actually, According to Politico, comradery is so lacking in the White House, and the atmosphere is so depressing, that many aides are contemplating leaving.
One anonymous official spoke out about the lack of team spirit:
“A lot of the natural coordination that happens in a typically functioning White House has been lost, and there has been no proactive effort to make up for it through intentional team building”
According to some staff members, people are just burnout, while others blame poor management. Some also blame poor leadership, while others blame Biden’s top executives for creating a depressing atmosphere. Still, others believe that Biden’s top leaders are distant from the rest and thus the problem.
However, Team Biden “Aka Brandon” is clearly experiencing a morale problem because of the combination of problems.
Apparently, another issue driving morale down is that Biden’s aides haven’t gotten to attend any of the holiday parties, whereas other staffers and officials from around D.C. have. One anonymous official, bitterly complaining about that to Politico, stated:
“No one expects business as usual during the pandemic, but it’s beyond demoralizing, it’s insulting — especially when you see DNC and Hill staff and other D.C. types get invited.
Many colleagues have brought this up to me unprompted. And I’ve had D.C. friends ask me if I wanted to grab coffee after they attended. Meanwhile, we work here, and most of us haven’t worked here before or stepped foot into the White House.”
Another comment, which added to the sense that problems are brewing at the White House:
“It’s also hypocritical and ironic that a President whose brand is built on empathy and family has staff policies that fly in the face of that brand. It’s not a good look and it’s emblematic of how this place runs.”
There are many issues at the White House that seem to be causing people to feel low and for aides to find the escape hatch. We’re only a year into Brandon’s disastrous presidency. Perhaps Kamala could make them smile to cheer themselves up.