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Former Director of National Intelligence Makes Startling Claim About Biden

John Ratcliffe, former Director of National Intelligence, stated Sunday that President Joe Biden is the United States’ greatest national security threat.
Ratcliffe, who was the top intelligence officer under President Donald Trump’s presidency, spoke out in an interview with Fox News host Mark Levin. He made these comments to answer a question about Biden’s foreign and national security policy.
“To your point, first on Afghanistan, I hope that it’s just something that has an impact for decades, I hope it’s not centuries; it’s the most profound loss for the United States, certainly in our lifetime,” Ratcliffe began with.
“But one of my concerns there, and this goes to your larger question about what has Joe Biden done to our national security, he’s very currently harmed, but in so many respects beyond Afghanistan, but this most recent, most painful, colossal, epic failure in Afghanistan has literally breathed life into the radical Islamic terrorist movement, not just in Afghanistan, but around the world,” the former DNI and U.S. lawmaker from Texas continued to add.
He predicted that U.S. intelligence officers wouldn’t be able to determine the extent of foreign policy damage done to the president in the “long, long future”.
“I wrote an article as the Director of National Intelligence saying that China was our number one national security threat; I did that as I was walking out the door based on the …. fact that, you know, I’m the person that saw more intelligence than anyone else in the country over the past year, and China very much is that existential threat to our country,” Ratcliffe said.
“But if I had to write that op-ed today, I would tell you that I think our greatest national security threat, at least in the short term, is Joe Biden, and our national security apparatus,” he added further.
He also said that he believes the U.S. is in an inferior position to rival nations such as China, Russia, and Iran due to his belief in Biden.
“I always look at what the intelligence, what I saw in that position, and one of the challenges here that we are facing for the next three years, is a president who’s not listening to the intelligence,” he went on to add.
“Our intelligence was crystal clear about what was going to happen in Afghanistan if we withdrew without conditions-based terms that we had negotiated and when Biden abandoned that plan,” Ratcliffe stated, He also added that “it went exactly to what we said was going to happen and that is unfortunately a trend that has continued where this administration and this national security apparatus keeps making bad decisions; keeps ignoring the actual intelligence that we have.
“And honestly, nothing concerns me more right now,” he told Levin, remarking that the chaotic, deadly pullout of Afghanistan was “demonstrating cowardice on the [inter]national stage to our allies and to our adversaries.”
“How do you think our intelligence is going to work in the Middle East and in other places around the world, when we rely so much on human intelligence sources, people who work with the United States knowing that they will be shielded from and have the protection of the United States at the end of the day, when they watch the people that have worked with us in Afghanistan for the last few years be beheaded in front of their families?” he stated.
Ratcliffe also noted that the United States is the most powerful country on the planet. But there are many people who work within the system that wants to destroy it.