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High School Coach Fired For Not Requiring His Team To Wear Masks

Bradley Keyes, a track and field coach, at Pembroke Academy in New Hampshire, was fired for not making his team wear masks while competing against other high schools.
Pembroke athletic director Keyes stated, “I’ll come straight to the point. I will not put kids on the track and tell them to run any races while wearing masks. I will not stand up in front of the kids and lie to them and tell them that these masks are doing anything worthwhile out in an open field with wind blowing and the sun shining. These insane policies are robbing kids of once-in-a-lifetime opportunities for no valid reason other than irrational fears and going along with the sheep. … Fire me if you must.”
Bradley Keyes Went further expressing that the guidelines were “Senseless, irrational, cowardice bulls***.”
It is a requirement for track athletes”to wear cloth face coverings/masks per EEA guidelines, including always covering both the nose and mouth,” according to the New Hampshire Interscholastic Athletic Association.
Keyes shared, “I have been fired. I am not surprised. I made my choice to speak out. They made theirs.”
“My only regret is not being able to be there every day to teach and encourage all of my athletes.”
“I have just one parting thought that came to me yesterday that helped clarify this situation and why I made the choice I did.”