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Saudi TV mocks Biden and Harris in comedy skit

Joe Biden was in Ottawa, Canada, on Friday, speaking to the Canadian Parliament and holding a press conference alongside Prime Minister Justin Trudeau. Neither went as planned. Biden had to correct himself after embarrassingly applauding China during his remarks to Parliament, among other oddities.

Then, when he took questions at the press conference — to a pre-approved list of reporters — he downplayed concerns about China and Russia’s growing alliance, as well as any fears about banks collapsing. He also claimed that the United States was having success at its southern border, despite the fact that it has been a complete disaster.

But one of Biden’s remarks, in which he downplayed the growing alliance between China and Russia, stood out. “We’re the ones expanding alliances,” he said.

Indeed, as evidenced by his relationship with Saudi Arabia, the opposite is true. President Donald Trump had a good working relationship with them and convinced them to move closer to Israel, which is better for the US and better for regional peace. Under Biden, they have moved closer to their former adversary, Iran, as well as China, which is not good for the US or regional peace.

Under Biden, the relationship with Saudi Arabia rapidly deteriorated after he attempted to treat them as pariahs over the murder of Jamal Khashoggi. Then he demanded that they pump more oil, and he had to go to Saudi Arabia, hat in hand, and fist bump MBS. However, the meeting did not go well, with Biden receiving nothing and reports later that they were upset with how he described the meeting.

How else do we know that Biden’s relationship with the Saudis is strained and that they have low regard for him?

Let’s watch a clip from their “Studio 22” show that went viral on Friday on state-run television. They had a “Saturday Night Live”-style comedy skit about Biden and Harris, with Joe getting lost on stage (much like he has), waving to flags and shaking the hands of imaginary people, and Kamala Harris attempting to assist him. She ends up having to direct him to the proper exit from the stage. Then they had him repeatedly saluting and falling up the stairs to Air Force One.

This is the second time they’ve made fun of him. They also did a sketch in April depicting him as an old man who falls asleep at the podium and needs to be nudged and woken up by Harris.”

If Biden believes we are strengthening our alliances, he should reconsider.

Indeed, both Iran and Saudi Arabia have applied to join BRICS, an economic alliance comprised of Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa. This would be bad for the US while benefiting Beijing by creating a counterweight power to the US.

Yet, as evidenced by the video of Joe Biden in Canada, he appears to be completely unaware of what is going on. That’s pretty terrifying when there appears to be a leader sleeping at the wheel.
