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Nasty Nancy Hilariously Heckled at Speaking Event

At an event with economist and journalist Paul Krugman on Monday night, Democratic California Rep. Nancy Pelosi received jeers from the audience.

The first female speaker of the House, Pelosi and Krugman spoke on a wide range of topics. The meeting was put on hold after several attendees started jeering the speaker, who resigned from the position after the 2022 midterm elections.

“You know Pelosi, that’s a very good place for you in the depths of hell. For some reason, you have a very bad obsession of getting us into war. Hey, why is it that you did not admit that there were no WMDs in Iraq? You lied us into a war in Iraq. You got us to invade Afghanistan. Now over 90 percent of those people are impoverished and are dying. Why don’t you tell the truth about Nordstream?,” according to a video shared on Twitter, one heckler yelled as she was ejected from the event.

Others in the audience could be heard booing the heckler as they continued.

“Why did we destroy Nordstream? You’re leaving millions of Germans without energy! People like you should be arrested, you are a war criminal!” he woman heckler continued. A male heckler took the stage after security had taken the woman away.

“Hey congresswoman, I came to see a warmonger but you’re a sad old drunk! What happened? When you went to Taiwan, were you looking for Ukraine? Did we blow up the Nordstream on accident or on purpose? Did you know about that? You’re a war criminal by definition Ms. Pelosi. You got some nerve. You goddam war criminal! How many people have died in your fucking name?” the man screamed and likewise was taken away. Two more hecklers stood up but were quickly taken down as the audience nervously watched and booed a couple times.
