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Ex-White House Doctor Demands Joe Biden Drop Out Of Race If He Won’t Take Cognitive Test

Rep. Ronny Jackson (R-TX), an ex-White House physician, urged President Joe Biden to withdraw from the 2024 presidential race if he refused to take a cognitive test. In a letter to Biden, he laid out his requests.

Jackson said, “We call on you to either resign immediately and renounce your bid for reelection or submit to a clinically validated cognitive screening assessment and make those results available to the public. When you first announced your bid to run in the 2020 presidential election, questions and concerns were raised surrounding your cognitive abilities. Those concerns have only increased because your mental decline and forgetfulness have become more apparent since you were elected.”

He continued by saying that during the past two years, Biden’s public appearances have become increasingly frequent instances of him shuffle his feet, trip when he walks, slur his words, forget names, lose his train of thought, and appear temporarily bewildered.

Additionally, he pointed out that searches for “Biden gaffes” online return more than 14,000,000 results, demonstrating how frequent and noticeable these occurrences are.

“The American people should have absolute confidence in their President and know that he or she can perform their duties as Head of State and Commander in Chief. Therefore, the American people deserve complete transparency on the mental capabilities of their highest elected leader.”
