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AOC Screamed At Border Patrol Officer During Her Visit After Alleging That The Agent Snapped A Selfie With AOC In The Background

AOC freaked out on a female CBP agent after the agent Supposedly snapped a selfie with the New York Congresswoman from the background, Based on The Daily Wire.
AOC then flew off her hinges, became really”agitated,” and flew into a temper tantrum.
“And to these CBP officers saying they felt’threatened’ by me — They were literally discussing making a GoFundMe for an officer who attacked my on my tour,” AOC maintained without evidence at the moment. “They confiscated my phone, and they were all armed. I’m 5’4″. They’re just upset I exposed their inhumane behavior.”
And to these CBP officers saying they felt “threatened” by me –
— Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (@AOC) July 2, 2019
They were literally discussing making a GoFundMe for an officer who attacked my on my tour.
They confiscated my phone, and they were all armed. I’m 5’4”.
They’re just upset I exposed their inhumane behavior.
The title of the CBP agent was concealed.
Memos describing the episode state that none of the agents saw the Female CBP representative snap a photo.
Later the agent’s telephone was reviewed and no pictures of the congresswoman were discovered on the device.
“During the briefing, Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez began loudly knocking on the window of the processing area and alleged that a Border Patrol Agent (BPA) was taking a’selfie’ photo of her,” a Patrol Agent said.
“Rep. Ocasio-Cortez not only verbally voiced this concern, she became agitated and animated as she began to bang on the glass, pointing and screaming at the agent.”
A memo says that the agent revealed her supervisor what she had been looking at on her mobile device and the manager said that the contents of what had been revealed”had nothing to do with interior photos of the detention area.”
An agent in charge said that AOC went to”personally admonish and berate” the female representative before accusing the representative of”unprofessional conduct” demanding the broker”should have no contact with children.”
“Ms. Ocasio became more animated and began to stomp her foot she then said’I as a woman of color don’t feel safe here, as women of colour none of us feel safe here, no matter colour feels safe here. ”’
“Ms. Ocasio then stormed out of the” area to be able to face CBP agent.
“On July 1, 2019, I heard loud banging on the window behind me while I was working inside the processing area I turned around to this lady shaking her finger at me, I was not sure why she was trying to attract my attention until Patrol Agent in Charge (PAIC) came to me and told me that they were accusing me of taking ‘selfie shots’ of Congresswoman Ocasio-Cortez.”
“At this time, I immediately handed my phone to PAIC to show him I had no photos of Ms. Ocasio-Cortez on my phone and he confirmed there were no photos of Ms. Ocasio-Cortez.”
“Although my phone was out, I was not taking any photos.”
The agent accused of taking the selfie appeared to not know who Ocasio-Cortez was based on a memo written soon after the episode.