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AZ State Senate Just Served Maricopa County with a New Round of Subpoenas

According to Bill Gates (Vice Chair), the Maricopa County Board of Supervisors just received another round of subpoenas. He appeared on CNN Monday night.
Garrett Archer, an ABC reporter closely following the Arizona elections, reported the news.
JUST IN. According to @billgatesaz appearance on CNN, the Arizona State Senate has served the @maricopacounty BOS with another round of #azaudit subpoenas.
— The AZ – abc15 – Data Guru (@Garrett_Archer) July 27, 2021
“JUST IN. According to @billgatesaz appearance on CNN, the Arizona State Senate has served the @maricopacounty BOS with another round of #azaudit subpoenas,” Archer tweeted.
CNN’s Erin Burnett reported that there was a third subpoena for Arizona. “Republican state senator just served Maricopa Board of Supervisors 3rd subpoena demanding ‘routers’ election.”
“Another subpoena in Arizona,” CNN’s Erin Burnett reported. “Republican state senate just served Maricopa Board of Supervisors with 3rd subpoena demanding election ‘routers’.”
The Arizona State Senate demanded Maricopa County first turn over passwords and routers used for the 2020 election. The county did not turn over either. The Arizona State Senate called for an emergency session. The Maricopa County Board of Supervisors responded.
“The emergency is due to the Senate indicating that they would take action against the County and Supervisors if the County does not provide passwords it does not have, and routers that could allow access to sensitive law enforcement data, as well as protected health information and personal data of county citizens,” the statement on the Maricopa County Board of Supervisors’ website read.
It is possible that Maricopa County didn’t have the passwords for the voting machines while a private firm did. This could be an abuse or public trust. The refusal of the Arizona state senator to supply the routers raises more red flags. Just the News reported on the matter.
According to the report, “Officials in Arizona’s Maricopa County withhold materials subpoenaed from the state legislature as part its audit of the county’s 2020 election. They claim that giving them away would pose a security threat for both law enforcement agencies and federal agencies.”
Maricopa County replied to the Arizona Senate’s independent audit update. It attempted to explain discrepancies that were brought up by the audit team, including Cyber Ninjas’ CEO Doug Logan.
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